Don't Be Scared to Layer!

The fall is coming sooner than we’d all like to think, so now is the perfect time to really get thinking about your fall wardrobe.

It won’t be long until our shorts will be swapped for pants, and our linen fabrics will be switched to flannels.

While it does make us a bit sad to trade in nights on the lake for nights by the campfire, we don’t want you to forget how easy it is to look great.


The fall is the perfect time to take those key pieces and layer them for looks that look great no matter what you find yourself doing.

ticknors menswear fashion for fall

We thought we’d give you some tips and tricks to make sure that those layers look great and not outdated or frumpy. 

It’s always a bummer when your vision doesn’t match your ultimate look.

ticknors menswear fashion for fall

But we are confident you’ll find success if you take our best tips and tricks for layer your wardrobe to look effortlessly stylish.

First- choose layers with different weights. We mean making sure that your shirt is a light cotton fabric, your sweater is a medium knit, and your coat is a bit heavier.

ticknors menswear fashion for fall

This isn’t something that has to happen all the time but it helps ensure you do not feel too bulky or too hot.

Second- choose complementary colors. Stay with the similar color palettes for the easiest, effortlessly awesome look.

If you want to add in color (which we totally dig) start with a pattern that incorporates the same main colors of your original palette.

ticknors menswear fashion for fall

The subtle hint of a different color in the pattern looks polished.

Third- don’t forget your accessories. Adding a scarf is an easy way to play with a layer without being committed to it.

A scarf can be removed much easier than a button up shirt or bottom layer so it’s easy to try something new.

ticknors menswear fashion for fall

A pop of color can also be incorporated in things like a pocket square or even a watch band.

Finally- invest in one or two amazing pieces. A nice navy blazer, a great brown wool sweater, or a basic button up shirt can be so versatile.

They are key pieces in any man’s wardrobe and can be used again and again.

They can be mixed together in so many different looks and work well in multiple seasons.

How do you layer? What works best for you? Tag us on instagram with #ticknorsloveslayers so we can see how you make your look work best for you. Effortlessly stylish should never be difficult.