How to wear fall patterned shirts- and look effortlessly stylish

Patterned shirts are a great way to personalize a look.

Shirts that have patterns work well in almost all situations. Don't believe us? Well, let us show you what we mean! 

Want to just rock a plain plaid shirt? Go for it. 

Wearing a patterned shirt is effortlessly stylish when worn alone.

This look works because the shirt is so great on its own. Why mess with a good thing?


Are you wondering if you can wear a patterned shirt under a hooded sweatshirt or sweater? You sure can.

Looking effortlessly stylish in a patterned shirt is easy with a great hooded sweatshirt. 

This look is easy - pair your patterned shirt with your favorite, most comfortable zip up sweatshirt and toss on sunglasses for an effortlessly stylish look.


What if you are inspired to tuck it under a sweater and throw a sport coat on overtop? You want to transition from casual Friday to something a little more dressy....

You can do that too. 

Patterns can play nice together- choosing patterns in similar colors is easiest. 

This look works because the colors are all similar, and the patterns don't compete. The sport coat is more fitted and takes this look from day to night.


You want to keep the shirt solo and accessorize with a great watch and some awesome bracelets? 

Do it my friend.

Effortlessly stylish can even mean picking the right accessories. 

This look works because it's so easy. Like the first look, it's easy to pick a great shirt and roll with it. Adding the personalized accessories make the look even cleaner and crisper - just like the fall air.

Wearing patterned shirts is a great way to personalize your look no matter what you are doing. Dinner, drinks, dancing, brunch, bars, you name it. Take a chance and pick out a patterned shirt you love and use the pictures above for inspiration.

We think it's great to go out and try something new and bold- you'll never know if you like it if you don't try!

Show us how you mix in patterned shirts with the hashtag #ticknorspatternchallenge. We can't wait to see what you come up with! 


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